力星激光PCB行业激光分板机 FPC外型紫外线切割???机优惠价系列活动进行中 激光设备我们是专业的 中国的价格 欧洲的技术 您的产品光加工应用系列方案解决商 力星激光长期与北京大学、华中科技大学、暨南大学、南阳理工学院与东莞理工学院城市学院等高校开展产学研合作;公司拥有多项**,设立研发中心、品质中心、力星企业大学等,并与意大利激光品牌普罗姆合作建立研发中心。经过多年励精图志、高速发展,力星激光先后荣获“****企业”、“广东省着名商标”等荣誉称号,先后成立 (力星激光PCB行业激光分板机 FPC外型紫外线切割机)型号 性能 功率可由客户自己选购“激光应用研究院”与“智能制造研究院”,是中国激光技术与激光应用市场占有率较高的品牌之一,也是近年来****业发展速度较快的公司之一。Lixing laser has long been cooperating with universities such as Peking University, huazhong university of science and technology, jinan university, nanyang institute of technology and city college of dongguan university of technology.The company has a number of patents, the establishment of research and development center, quality center, star enterprise university, and the establishment of research and development center with Italian laser brand prome.After many years development, excitation disposition, high-speed force star laser successively won the "national high-tech enterprise", "guangdong famous trademark" and other honorary title, has set up a "laser application research institute" and "smart manufacturing institute, is China's laser technology and laser application market share higher brand, one of is also in recent years the global industry one of the fast growing company.